SEDDAS, Business Portal and IRS Data Exchange FAQ


A SEDDAS account was erroneously created for a previous President/CEO or Director of Institutional Research.

  • You will need to update your institution's My Contacts form in the IDEx. A change to your My Contacts form for a new President/CEO or Director of Institutional Research will prompt a new SEDDAS account to be created and e-mailed to the new person. It will take a few days for the new account to be created as our office will need to make the change in the Department-wide database (SEDREF), which will then be picked up by SEDDAS in an overnight process. If the new person does not get an account from SEDDAS in 3 business days, please feel free to follow up with us using the Help feature at the bottom right of the page.
  • Only changes to the President/CEO and Director of Institutional Research in My Contacts will prompt a new account.  For changes to any other positions, the accounts will need to be adjusted and managed by the institutions—specifically, by those who have Delegated Administrator (DA) rights as part of their role.

I am new to my institution and am the President/CEO, or Director of Institutional Research.  How do I obtain a SEDDAS username and password?

  • You will need to update your institution's My Contacts form in the IDEx. A change to your My Contacts form for a new President/CEO or Director of Institutional Research will prompt a new SEDDAS account to be created and e-mailed to the new person. It will take a few days for the new account to be created as our office will need to make the change in the Department-wide database (SEDREF), which will then be picked up by SEDDAS in an overnight process. If the new person does not get an account from SEDDAS in 3 business days, please feel free to follow up with us using the Help feature at the bottom right of the page.

I received a SEDDAS account but I am not the correct person.

  • You received an account because you were listed as the President/CEO or the Director of Institutional Research at your institution. If you are not serving in one of those roles, then you need to update your institution's My Contacts form in the IDEx. A change to your My Contacts form for a new President/CEO or Director of Institutional Research will prompt a new account to be created and e-mailed to the new person.
  • If you are the correct person to be listed in one of those titles but do not handle NYS HEDS data reporting, then you can use your account to create accounts for others within the institution, who do have that responsibility. SEDDAS account management is left up to the institution. You can utilize the SEDDAS user guide. Section 3 is specifically about account creation and Sections 10-12 are about entitlement. There are also other supporting documents on

Is it possible to add SEDDAS accounts for staff members who are not the President/CEO, or Director of Institutional Research?

  • Yes. Initially, the President/CEO and the Director of Institutional Research are the only individuals receiving account information directly from SEDDAS. Those individuals may then create accounts for staff members at their institution who handle the various aspects of data submission. SEDDAS account management is left up to the institution. You can utilize the SEDDAS user guide. Section 3 is specifically about account creation and Sections 10-12 are about entitlement. There are also other supporting documents on

When creating a SEDDAS account for a new user, what position/title should we assign staff to?

  • If you do not see the exact position/title you are looking for, choose the one most closely associated with that staff member, or choose ‘Other.’ SEDDAS is not specific to Higher Education, but is also used for Pre-K - 12, so some positions/titles in the drop-down menu will apply specifically to Pre-K - 12.

When creating a SEDDAS account for a new user, what user role should we assign staff to (Super DA, DA, EA, or DA/EA)?

  • Only the President/CEO can be a Super DA. Only the Super DA can set up other DA accounts. The Director of Institutional Research, whose account is set up as a DA/EA, can create accounts for others but can only assign the user role of EA. It is up to the institution to determine the appropriate role for staff based on the duties that staff member is expected to do. The duties of each role are described in the SEDDAS user guide. 

When creating a SEDDAS account for a new user, what applications should staff be assigned to?

  • There is currently only one application to assign staff to and that is the IDEx Highered application.

A SEDDAS account was created for me, by my President/CEO or Director of Institutional Research, but when I log in I see nothing listed under 'My Applications'.

  • The person who created your account forgot to entitle you to the IDEx Highered application. Please refer to the SEDDAS user guide for step-by-step instructions on entitling applications (Sections 10-12).

Do we need separate SEDDAS accounts for each campus?

  • Yes. Data are collected at a campus level. Each separate individual account will provide you access to that specific campus' data collection forms.

I am trying to create a SEDDAS account for a staff member to an additional campus, but it says they already have an account. What do I do?

  • Do not re-assign that staff member, but instead select ‘Create a New User.’ Follow the SEDDAS user guide. See Section 3, Possible Scenario “b,” Step 3.

We received a SEDDAS account, but our institution is no longer required to submit data as we are closing, closed, or have no active programs.

  • Thank you for the update. We will work with the Office of College and University Evaluation. They manage the opening, closing, and merging of institutions. Unfortunately, your closure was not represented in our Department-wide database of open and closed institutions (SEDREF). This is why an account was generated for you. You can disregard your SEDDAS account information.



I don’t remember my username for the Business Portal.  How do I get it?

  • 1st - You can ask your President/CEO, or Director of Institutional Research, or whoever else may manage the SEDDAS accounts at your institution, to look up your account information in SEDDAS.
  • 2nd - You can send an e-mail request to with the SEDREF Institution ID for your institution, the username you are inquiring about, your name and a contact phone number.

I forgot my password to the Business Portal. How do I reset it?

  • You can reset your password through the Business Portal using the password reset tool.  For step-by-step instructions, visit the SEDDAS home page and click on the document called "SEDDAS Password Reset".

I do not know my SEDREF Institution ID. Where can I find it?

  • Please go to SEDREF and you can search by your institution’s name. (Note that you MUST use the percent sign (%) at the end of the institution name in order to search the database.) Once you find your institution, the Institution ID (or Inst ID) will be the first field and will start with an 8.



How do I get to the IRS Data Exchange to submit my data?

  • Go to the Business Portal and log in using your SEDDAS account. Once logged in, you will see the IRS Data Exchange in the list of My Applications. Click on this link and it will bring you to the list of data forms that need to be submitted for your institution.