Use Follow Feature to Receive Notification of New/Updated Content

Visitors to have the ability to "Follow" a Section and receive an email notification when new content is added or updated.

A higheredsupport account must be set up in order to take advantage of this feature.

If you have not already set up an account

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Sign in button in the top right
  3. Choose one of the following options for creating an account:
    • If you do not have an account for a NYSED support page listed below and you have never sent an email to a NYSED support email address listed below, you should click on the Sign up (blue text) link at the bottom of the login screen.
        • Create your account by entering your full name, email, check the box for I’m not a robot and select the CAPTCHA image.
        • Click on the secure link in the email sent to you so you can enter a password for your account.
    • If you do not have an account for a NYSED support page listed below but you have sent an email to a NYSED support email address listed below, you should click on the Get a password (blue text) link at the bottom of the login screen.
        • Enter your email address that you used previously to submit a question/issue.
        • Click on the secure link in the email sent to you so you can enter a password for your account.
  4. Once you are back on the Higheredsupport site click on a Category. Categories are the titles you see listed on the main page. 
  5. Click on the Section that contains the Article(s) you would like to receive update notifications on. Sections are the black text titles listed in the boxes, while Articles are the blue text titles you see listed in the boxes.
  6. Click on the Follow drop down menu next to the Section name and select New articles and comments.
  7. If have not set up your account it will take you back to the Sign in box. If you have set up your account, you should see a blue box at the top with a follow message.
  8. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 to sign up to follow other Sections.

If you do have an account

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Sign in button in the top right and login
  3. Click on a Category. Categories are the titles you see listed on the main page.
  4. Click on the Section that contains the Article(s) you would like to receive update notifications on. Sections are the black text titles listed in the boxes, while Articles are the blue text titles you see listed in the boxes.
  5. Click on the Follow drop down menu next to the Section name and select New articles and comments.


*If you have followed the steps but are not receiving notifications, then please check that the emails are not going to your junk or spam folders.

**Cookies must be enabled in your browser to sign in.  The account creation process will not be successful if cookies are not enabled.


NYSED Office of Information and Reporting Services support pages:

NYSED Office of Information and Reporting Services support email address: